First things first I am not an obsessive lover for todays music or should I be specific "Todays Hip Hop " . Lately I have takeen a big notice to the LIL KIM and Nicki Minaj fiasco and find it extremeley irritating in a sense that I'm starting to contribute my imput. We all LIL Kim for being that provocative , sassy , in your face kind of girl as to Nicki Minaj is the same way . I have seen so many people who go crazy for Nicki Minaj or better known as " Onika Tanya Maraj " and it's great to actually see an artist who is brand new take off but just like any other business how long will it last ? . See i have noticed that getting fans and ratings is not so hard to do but making an empire where your music , fans and record sales remain the same is a remarkable task. Im pretty sure that you can go to your bestfriend next underpriviledged barbeque and im positive that a Lil Kim track will be played and at least 75% of the people in there will know the words including the old lady on the respirator machine in the back to the far left. This fued is very dumb and it shows how people of ignorance need to start taking charge and collaborating together. Honestly I think they both should have did a NASTY mix tape and pick beef with someone else in another state instead of being to NY Rappers trying to take the crown . . . Now lets stop saying who is better because like Lil Kim said she has 10 year + and she also started that whole error with the nasty words blah blah blah . . . Oh and also if you look at them they look like twins